Your Source For Debt Relief

Medical Debt

There is an ongoing epidemic of medical debt that is causing a crisis across American households. Statistics surrounding U.S. medical debt are startling and showcase the stress many good people face.

As per the Kaiser Family Foundation:

  • Three in ten Americans (29%) report problems paying medical bills.
  • Of those reporting problems paying medical bills, seven out of ten (73%) report cutting back on purchasing food, clothing, or basic household items.
  • 45% of Americans say they would have a difficult time paying an unexpected $500 medical bill.
  • 1 in 5 working-age Americans WITH health insurance has trouble paying off medical bills.
  • More than 63% of Americans WITH insurance report using up most or all of their savings to pay for their medical bills.

Sadly, these are but a few of the alarming facts that average Americans suffer through when attempting to not only obtain medical aid but pay for it.

The fact of the matter is that sickness, disease, and injuries can happen unexpectedly. While individuals without health insurance are certainly suffering, surprisingly, even individuals with coverage are having their financial safety nets consumed by medical expenses.

From individuals who unable to work to working-class families dealing with unexpected medical emergencies, many honest Americans are suffering financially as a result of medical bill debt.

But there is hope.
Texas state and federal laws have been put place to help alleviate the impact of medical debt on American citizens. With the guidance and support of our Texas medical debt attorneys at The Kherkher Law Firm PLLC, you have options to help you cope with your financial issues and manage re-payment.
Contact the trustworthy Texas medical debt attorneys of The Kherkher Law Firm PLLC today at 713-244-6363 to begin the process of getting your financial situation back on track.

Unfair Medical Billing Practices

Hospitals, clinics, and the medical professionals that deliver meaningful care should be considered trustworthy and fair in their dealings with patients. After all, they are aiding a population of people who are in need of care and attention.

What may come as a surprise are the sneaky ways that hospitals and other medical entities are adding steep charges to bills. You should beware of medical billing malpractices, especially if you are dealing with hefty fines and harassment from debt collectors.
Medical billing malpractices can include but are not limited to:

  • The adding of “invisible” charges: Looking through your itemized bill(s) can help you clearly identify all charges you are responsible for. If your statements appear to have unexpected expenses or charges, make sure to clearly identify those which do not belong.
  • Large sum charges on small items: Small necessities such as tissues, ice packs, thermal kits, and more can all be charged at a rate of 5-15 percent more during your hospital stays. Avoid these costs by using your own or declining them.
  • Double-billing: Sometimes separate bills are made. You should not have to pay the same bill twice. One way to avoid this can be to ask questions often about the charges that will be on your medical bill. It’s better to be safe than sorry.
  • Charges for being uninsured: It doesn’t make much sense that someone without insurance would get charged more. If they don’t have coverage, then it’s likely that they do not have the financial means to do so. Nonetheless, this still continues to happen. Negotiating is often used to reduce unnecessary fees and costs associated with your hospital stay.

Seek out the assistance of the dedicated and skilled Texas medical debt attorneys of The Kherkher Law Firm PLLC today at 713-244-6363. We can protect you against medical billing malpractices as well as provide support to help you get on solid footing if you are dealing with substantial medical debt.

Issues Concerning Medical Debt

Hospitals, dental offices, and health clinics generally rely on debt collectors to recover overdue payments. These debt collection agencies are often paid a percentage of the monies recovered, meaning that they have even more reason to obtain the debt owed. However, they often use illegal tactics and threats to frighten you into paying astronomical amounts of money.

It is important to note that you are liable for the medical debt and must figure out – within your means – how to effectively handle the situation.

Still, the unlawful practices of these debt collection agencies are real and can affect you in any number of ways, including:

  • Lowered Credit Rating: In an effort to get consumers to pay their debt, collection agencies may threaten to report the activity to credit bureaus. A reduced credit score can inhibit your ability to secure other loans, a home, a car, and generally affect your quality of life.
  • Harassing Letters: Collection agencies will often flood your mail with debt collection notifications until you find a way to pay them off.
  • Harassing Phone Calls: The medical entity or their collectors may begin to harass you via phone, calling you at all hours of the day, and even reaching out to family members.
  • Emotional Distress: It can be very stressful to constantly have debt collection agencies harassing you. Not only are you burdened with the bills – and potentially still dealing with your medical issue – but the hospitals and their collectors can be causing your massive amounts of stress.
  • Further Financial Bind: Giving in to the collectors and paying up in an effort to alleviate the pressure can cause further financial trouble if you are already tight on money.

Texas has a number of laws set in place to protect consumers and these may apply to your situation. The qualified medical debt attorneys at The Kherkher Law Firm PLLC can help you to uncover what options you may have so that you can begin the process of financial rehabilitation.

Medical Debt Collection Laws

Protection from collection agencies is available if you are facing harassment and threats of having your personal information revealed to other parties.
The following medical debt laws may apply to you:

  • Texas Statute of Limitations on Consumer Debt: The statute of limitations in Texas for medical debt is 4 years. This is the amount of time an entity has to file a lawsuit against you to collect.
  • Protection Against Liens and Garnishment: If the medical entity or third party wins a lawsuit against you for owed debt, there are state and federal laws in place to prevent the party’s use of liens and garnishment to collect payment from you.

The state of Texas has standard protection laws to protect and help individuals dealing with medical debt. You have several options to aid in your medical debt situation, including:

  1. Acquire Medical Loans: One option is to get a personal loan and use the money to repay bills before the medical entities send debt collectors out to recover it. Using this option can eliminate the risk of collectors reporting your dues to credit bureaus. However, you should weigh the pros and cons of taking this option as you could place yourself in further financial constraints.
  2. Seek Debt Relief: There are also debt consolidation programs you can seek out for a settlement if your medical bills exceed $10,000. If you are eligible, this can buy you time to sort out your finances and gradually pay back what you owe. However, be aware that there may be costs associated with these programs.
  3. Qualify for Government Programs: Texas does offer different types of government assistance programs which may alleviate your financial problems in relation to medical bills and treatment. Consider any of the following government assistance programs for medical expense relief:

You also have the option of securing the guidance of a Texas medical debt attorney from The Kherkher Law Firm PLLC to help you restructure your payment plan and help you reduce your debt.

Steps to Take to Manage Medical Debt

When dealing with medical debt, consider taking the following steps:

  1. Challenge your bills. By informing yourself of your consumer rights, you may be able to challenge the validity of the debt collection and prevent it from going on your credit report. Send a letter challenging the debt to the collection agency and request a response.
  2. Defend your rights. The Texas Fair Debt Collection Act can protect you from harassment from debt collection agencies. Informing yourself of federal and Texas debt collection laws can help you better understand what is allowed and what isn’t.
  3. Protect your privacy. Your medical records are highly confidential and should not be accessed without consent. Get informed on the current laws in place that defend your rights and seek an attorney for further action.

Although the large sum owed to a medical provider may seem impossible to deal with, there are solutions to manage the debt. From government resources to legal guidance, there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Contact The Kherkher Law Firm PLLC today at 713-244-6363 for assistance dealing with your medical debt.

Who Can Help Me Deal with Medical Debt?

A knowledgeable debt attorney can help you seek justice from the medical debt that has accumulated under your name. Individuals suffering from extensive debt as a result of medical treatment may look to bankruptcy to solve their financial dilemma. If this is a route you aim to pursue, first consider the viable options made possible through a skilled Texas medical debt attorney.

Find hope for solving your medical debt issue by contacting The Kherkher Law Firm PLLC right now at 713-244-6363. A bright future can start today.

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